
Unveiling the Mystery: The Significance Behind Lord Jagannath’s Big Eyes

Why Lord Jagannath has Big Eyes

Lord Jagannath, also known as Lord Krishna, is one of the most revered deities in Hinduism. He is worshipped as the Supreme Lord of the Universe and is believed to be the embodiment of love, compassion, and divine grace. One of the distinguishing features of Lord Jagannath is his big eyes, which hold significant symbolism and meaning in Hindu mythology and culture. In this article, we will delve into the reasons why Lord Jagannath has big eyes and explore the profound insights they offer to his devotees.

Representation of Universal Vision

Lord Jagannath’s big eyes symbolize his all-encompassing vision that transcends boundaries of time, space, and individual identities. He is revered as the Supreme Lord, being considered the ultimate observer who perceives and comprehends everything happening in the universe. His large eyes depict his ability to see and understand the entire cosmos, both the manifested and unmanifested realms. This represents his omnipresence and omniscience, reminding devotees of his all-pervading nature and his role as the supreme custodian of the cosmic order.

Expression of Compassion and Benevolence

The big eyes of Lord Jagannath are also an expression of his infinite compassion and benevolence towards his devotees. They are said to be full of love and kindness, constantly showering blessings upon those who seek his divine grace. When devotees look into his eyes, they are believed to receive a direct gaze from the Lord, which brings solace, comfort, and spiritual upliftment. Lord Jagannath’s large eyes are a reminder that he is always watching over his devotees, guiding them on their spiritual journey and bestowing his unconditional love upon them.

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Invitation to Introspection and Self-Realization

The big eyes of Lord Jagannath serve as an invitation to introspection and self-realization. When devotees gaze into his eyes, they are encouraged to reflect upon their own thoughts, actions, and intentions. The captivating gaze of Lord Jagannath compels individuals to dive deep within their own consciousness and strive for self-improvement and spiritual growth. It reminds them of the need to purify their hearts and minds, cultivating virtues such as love, compassion, and humility.

Symbol of the Eternal Divine Play

The large eyes of Lord Jagannath are also a significant aspect of his divine lila or cosmic play. In Hindu mythology, Lord Jagannath is worshipped as the embodiment of the divine pastimes of Lord Krishna. His big eyes represent the captivating allure and charm of the divine play that enraptures the hearts of devotees. The eyes convey the message that Lord Jagannath’s lila is not merely a historical event but a perpetual and timeless phenomenon that continues to inspire and uplift devotees across generations.

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It is important to note that the iconic eyes of Lord Jagannath are not merely physical representations but carry profound spiritual and philosophical meanings. They are a window to the divine, inviting devotees to establish a personal connection with the Lord and experience his divine presence. The big eyes of Lord Jagannath offer a glimpse into the infinite depths of spirituality, providing solace, inspiration, and guidance to seekers on the path of self-realization.


In conclusion, Lord Jagannath’s big eyes hold deep significance in Hindu mythology and spirituality. They represent his universal vision, compassion, and benevolence. The eyes also serve as a catalyst for introspection and self-realization. Urging devotees to seek inner transformation. Furthermore, the eyes are a symbol of the eternal divine play. Reminding devotees of the timeless allure of Lord Jagannath’s lila. By contemplating upon the significance of Lord Jagannath’s big eyes. Devotees can deepen their understanding of his divine nature and cultivate a deeper connection with the Supreme Lord.

Why Lord Jagannath has Big Eyes

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