
Shiv Tandav Stotram Lyrics and Meaning

Those who recite Shiv Tandav Stotram are blessed with the lord Shiva’s blessings.

shiv tandav stotram

Shiv Tandav Stotram is the hymn of Lord Shiva sung by the supreme devotee, Lankapati Ravana. It is said that the worship of Mahadev, the God of Gods, liberates a person from the cycle of life and death. By reciting the Tandava Stotram in the worship of Shiva, the blessing of Bholenath (Shiva) works as a shield to save from life’s crisis. In this Stotram explains the virtues of Lord Shiva and praises his actions and qualities.

Story Related To Shiv Tandav Stotram

It is believed that once Ravana had lifted Mount Kailash to show his strength and when he started taking the whole mountain to Lanka, Bholenath stabilized him by pressing a toe to break his ego. This caused Ravana’s hand to fall under the mountain and he shouted in pain – ‘Shankar Shankar’ – which meant forgive, forgive and he started praising Mahadev. This praise is called Shiva Tandava Stotram.

Likewise, it is believed that those who recite Shiv Tandav Stotram are blessed with the lord’s blessings.

shiv tandav stotram - ravana chanting

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Close your eyes and listen to Shiv Tandav Stotram

Shiv Tandav Stotram Lyrics in English With Meaning

Here is the Shiva Tandava Stotram Lyrics with meaning you can learn and recite, to please Lord Shiva and to receive his grace.

Jatatavee galajjala pravaha pavitasthale,
Gale avalabhya lambithaam bhujanga tunga malikaam,
Damaddamaddama ddama ninnadava damarvayam,
Chakara chanda tandavam tanotu na shivh shivam॥1॥

जटाटवीगलज्जलप्रवाहपावितस्थले गलेवलम्ब्यलम्बितां भुजङ्गतुङ्गमालिकाम्‌।
डमड्डमड्डमड्डमन्निनादवड्डमर्वयं चकारचण्डताण्डवं तनोतु नः शिवो शिवम्‌ ॥1॥


The Streams of Devi Ganga (The holy river), which flowed from the dense forest-like Jata (matted hair), who have garlands of large and long snakes are hanging around his neck and the Damaru(Drum)making the sound of Damat Damat Damat Damat, Lord Shiva did the auspicious dance of Tandava and may bless us.

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Jata kataha sambhramabhramanillimpa nirjari,
Vilola veechi vallari viraja mana moordhani,
Dhaga dhaga dhaga jjwala lalata patta pavake,
Kishora Chandra shekare ratih prati kshanam mama॥2॥

जटाकटाहसंभ्रमभ्रमन्निलिंपनिर्झरी विलोलवीचिवल्लरी विराजमानमूर्धनि।
धगद्धगद्धगज्ज्वलल्ललाटपट्टपावके किशोरचंद्रशेखरे रतिः प्रतिक्षणं ममं ॥2॥


Let me rejoice in Shiva at every moment, whose head is glorified by the lines of moving waves of the River Ganga, agitating from the matted hair and who has the brilliant fire flames are blazing on his forehead and his head (forehead)adorned with the crescent moon

Dhara dharendra nandini vilasa bhandhu bhandura,
Sphuradriganta santati pramoda mana manase,
Kripa kataksha dhorani niruddha durdharapadi,
Kwachi digambare mano vinodametu vastuni॥3॥

धराधरेंद्रनंदिनी विलासबन्धुबन्धुरस्फुरद्दिगंतसंतति प्रमोद मानमानसे।
कृपाकटाक्षधोरणीनिरुद्धदुर्धरापदि क्वचिद्विगम्बरे मनोविनोदमेतु वस्तुनि ॥3॥


May my mind always be happy with the worship of Lord Shiva, who dwells in the blissful irony of Devi Parvathi, in whose mind the whole creation and living beings reside, who wears directions as his clothes, whose graceful devotion removes all the miseries of the devotees.

Jata bhujanga pingala sphurat phana mani prabha,
Kadamba kumkuma drava pralipta digwadhu mukhe,
Madhandha sindhura sphuratwagu uttariyamedure,
Manovinodamadbhutam bibhartu bhoota bhartari॥4॥

जटाभुजंगपिंगलस्फुरत्फणामणिप्रभा कदंबकुंकुमद्रवप्रलिप्तदिग्वधूमुखे।
मदांधसिंधुरस्फुरत्वगुत्तरीयमेदुरे मनोविनोदद्भुतं बिंभर्तुभूतभर्तरि ॥4॥


May I take great pleasure in Lord Shiva, who is a supporter of all living beings, his creeping snake with reddish-brown hood and with the brilliance of his gem illuminates all directions. Who is covered with glittering skin garment of an intoxicated elephant and who is the Lord of Ghosts.

Sahastralochana prabhrityashesha lekha shekhara,
Prasoona dhooli dhorani vidhu saranghripeethabhuh,
Bhujangaraja Malaya nibaddha jaata jootakah,
Shriyai chiraya jayatam chakora bandhu shekharah॥5॥

सहस्रलोचनप्रभृत्यशेषलेखशेखर प्रसूनधूलिधोरणी विधूसरांघ्रिपीठभूः।
भुजंगराजमालयानिबद्धजाटजूटकः श्रियैचिरायजायतां चकोरबंधुशेखरः ॥5॥


May Lord Shiva give us all prosperity, who has the crescent moon which is relative to Cakora bird as his head ornament, whose matted hair is tied by the red snake garland, whose foot basement is grayed due to the series of pollen dust from the flowers at the head of all gods (Indra and others).

Lalata chatwara jwaladdhanam jaya sphulingaya,
Nipeeta pancha sayakam namannilimpanayakam,
Sudha mayookha lekhaya virajamana shekharam,
Maha kapali sampade, sirijjatalamastunah॥6॥

ललाटचत्वरज्वलद्धनंजयस्फुलिङ्गभा निपीतपंचसायकंनमन्निलिंपनायकम्‌।
सुधामयूखलेखया विराजमानशेखरं महाकपालिसंपदे शिरोजटालमस्तुनः ॥6॥


May Lord Shiva grant us the accomplishment, who devoured Kamadeva with the sparks of the fire flaming in his huge forehead, and those who are revered by all the Gods, and are beautified by the crescent moon and the Gangas.

Karala bhala pattika dhagaddhadhagaddha gajjwala,
Ddhananjayahuti kruta prachanda panchasayake ,
Dharadharendra nandini kuchagra chithrapathraka,
Prakalpanaikashilpini, trilochane ratirmama॥7॥

करालभालपट्टिकाधगद्धगद्धगज्ज्वलद्धनंजया धरीकृतप्रचंडपंचसायके।
धराधरेंद्रनंदिनीकुचाग्रचित्रपत्रकप्रकल्पनैकशिल्पिनी त्रिलोचनेरतिर्मम ॥7॥


May my love be immovable in those Shiva who has three eyes , whose fiery flame came out of the forehead and devoured Kamadheva (The God of love), who is the sole expert artist of drawing decorative lines on the breasts of Parvathi (Here Parvathi is a nature and painting is a creation),the daughter of mountain king.

Naveena megha mandali niruddha durdharatsphurat,
Kuhuh nisheethineetamah prabhandha baddha kandharah,
Nilimpa nirjhari dharastanotu krutti sundarah,
Kalanidhana bandhurah shriyam jagat durandharah॥8॥

नवीनमेघमंडलीनिरुद्धदुर्धरस्फुरत्कुहुनिशीथनीतमः प्रबद्धबद्धकन्धरः।
निलिम्पनिर्झरीधरस्तनोतु कृत्तिसिंधुरः कलानिधानबंधुरः श्रियं जगंद्धुरंधरः ॥8॥


May Lord Shiva give us all kinds of prosperity, Who bears the burden of this universe,
Who has a crescent moon placed on his forehead, who has the holy river Devi Ganga, whose cloth is made up of elephant skin, whose throat is dark as midnight of new moon night covered by the group of the clouds.

Prafulla neela pankaja prapancha kalimaprabha,
Valambi kantha kandali ruchi prabandha kandharam,
Smarchchhidam purachchhidam bhavachchhidam makhachchhidam,
Gajachchhidandha kachchhidam tamant kachchhidam bhaje॥9॥

प्रफुल्लनीलपंकजप्रपंचकालिमप्रभा विडंबि कंठकंध रारुचि प्रबंधकंधरम्‌।
स्मरच्छिदं पुरच्छिंद भवच्छिदं मखच्छिदं गजच्छिदांधकच्छिदं तमंतकच्छिदं भजे ॥9॥


I worship Lord Shiva, whose necks are tied with glittering temples hanging around his necks in glorious blue blossoms which looked like darkness, who are destroyers of Kamadeva and Tripurasur, who destroy the bonds of worldly life, who destroyed the sacrifice, who destroyed the demon Andhaka, the destroyer of the elephants and who controlled the God Yama.

Akharva sarva mangalaa kalaa kadamba manjari,
Rasa pravaha madhuri vijrumbhane madhuvritam,
Smrantakam, purantakam, bhavantakam, makhantakam,
Gajantakandhakantakam tamantakantakam bhaje॥10॥

अखर्वसर्वमंगला कलाकदम्बमंजरी रसप्रवाह माधुरी विजृंभणा मधुव्रतम्‌।
स्मरांतकं पुरातकं भावंतकं मखांतकं गजांतकांधकांतकं तमंतकांतकं भजे ॥10॥


I pray to Lord Shiva who are indestructible , whose bees fly everywhere because of sweetness Honey from a beautiful bunch of nice Kadamba flowers which is the adobe of all-important virtues, who devours Kamadeva, who destroys Tripurasur, Gajasur, Andhakasur and Daksha yagna and who has the the ability to control the God of Death,Yama.

Jayatwadabhra vibhrama bhramadbujanga mashwasad,
Vinirgamat, kramasphurat, karala bhala havya vaat,
Dhimiddhimiddhimi maddhwanan mridanga tunga mangala,
Dhwani krama pravartitah prachanda tandawah shivah॥11॥

जयत्वदभ्रविभ्रमभ्रमद्भुजंगमस्फुरद्धगद्धगद्विनिर्गमत्कराल भाल हव्यवाट्।
धिमिद्धिमिद्धिमिध्वनन्मृदंगतुंगमंगलध्वनिक्रमप्रवर्तित: प्रचण्ड ताण्डवः शिवः ॥11॥


Lord Shiva is embellished all the way in the Tandava dance whose drum emitting series of high sound-making Dhimid Dhimid sound in the midst of the fierce, The fire has increased on the great forehead, due to the whirling of snakes traveling with great speed.

Drushadwichitra talpayor bhujanga mauktikastrajor,
Garishtha ratna loshtayoh suhrid wipaksha pakshayoh,
Trinara vinda chakshushoh praja mahee mahendrayoh,
Samapravrittikah katha sadashivam bhajamyaham॥12॥

दृषद्विचित्रतल्पयोर्भुजंगमौक्तिकमस्रजोर्गरिष्ठरत्नलोष्ठयोः सुह्रद्विपक्षपक्षयोः।
तृणारविंदचक्षुषोः प्रजामहीमहेन्द्रयोः समं प्रवर्तयन्मनः कदा सदाशिवं भजे ॥12॥


I worship Lord Shiva who keeps equal vision towards the King and the common man, both friends, and enemies, towards precious gem and pieces of clay, a blade of grass and lotus-like eye people, towards a snake or a pearl garland.

Kada nilimpa nirjharee nikunja kotare vasan,
Vimukta durmatih sada shirahstha manjali vahan,
Vilola lola lochane lalama bhala lagnakah,
Shiveti mantra muchcharan kada sukhee bhavamyaham॥13॥

कदा निलिंपनिर्झरी निकुञ्जकोटरे वसन्‌ विमुक्तदुर्मतिः सदा शिरःस्थमंजलिं वहन्‌।
विमुक्तलोललोचनो ललामभाललग्नकः शिवेति मंत्रमुच्चरन्‌ कदा सुखी भवाम्यहम्‌ ॥13॥


I will get the renewable happiness, living in the hollow Place near holy river Ganga, always carrying folded hands on my head, My bad thinking washed away and reciting the mantra of Lord Shiva and dedicated to God with glorious forehead with trembling eyes.

Nilimpnath naagaree kadamb mauli mallika,
nigumpha nirbharkshanm dhooshnika manoharah.
tanotu no manomudam vinodineem maharshinam,
parshriyam param padam tadanjatvisham chayah॥14॥

निलिम्प नाथनागरी कदम्ब मौलमल्लिका-निगुम्फनिर्भक्षरन्म धूष्णिकामनोहरः।
तनोतु नो मनोमुदं विनोदिनींमहनिशं परिश्रय परं पदं तदंगजत्विषां चयः ॥14॥


May the divine beauty of the various parts of Shiva always enrich us with joy and happiness, as matured by the fragrance of flowers that adorn the twisted hair locks of the angles.

prachanda wadavaanal prabha shubh pracharinee,
mahaasht siddhi kaaminee janavahoot jalpana.
vimukta vaam lochano vivaah kaalikdhvanih,
shiveti mantra bhooshano jagajjayaay jaaytaam॥15॥

प्रचण्ड वाडवानल प्रभाशुभप्रचारणी महाष्टसिद्धिकामिनी जनावहूत जल्पना।
विमुक्त वाम लोचनो विवाहकालिकध्वनिः शिवेति मन्त्रभूषगो जगज्जयाय जायताम्‌ ॥15॥


The Shakti(Energy) which is capable of burning all sins and spreads the welfare of all and pleasant voice produced by the angels at the time of enchanting the religious Shiv mantra during Shiv-Parvati vivah may win over and destroy all sufferings of the world.

Imam hi nitya meva mukta muttamottamstavam,
Pathantaram bhunannaro vishuddhmeti santatam,
Hare Gurau sa bhaktimashu yati nanyatha gati,
Vimohanam hi dehinaa tu shankarasya chitanam॥16॥

इमं हि नित्यमेव मुक्तमुक्तमोत्तम स्तवं पठन्स्मरन्‌ ब्रुवन्नरो विशुद्धमेति संततम्‌।
हरे गुरौ सुभक्तिमाशु याति नान्यथागतिं विमोहनं हि देहनां सुशंकरस्य चिंतनम् ॥16॥


Whoever reads, remembers and listen to this excellent hymn as it is said here, the creatures become sanctified and attains great devotion in Lord Shiva, there is no other way for this devotion, the mere thought of Lord Shiva removes the illusion.

Poojavasana samaye dasha vaktra geetam,
Yah shambhu poojana param pathati pradoshe,
Tasyasthiraam ratha gajendra turanga yuktaam,
Lakshmeem sadaiva sumukheem pradadaati shambuh॥17॥

पूजावसानसमये दशवक्रत्रगीतं यः शम्भूपूजनपरम् पठति प्रदोषे।
तस्य स्थिरां रथगजेंद्रतुरंगयुक्तां लक्ष्मी सदैव सुमुखीं प्रददाति शम्भुः ॥17॥


In the evening, at the end of Pooja, who pronounces this Shiv Tandav Stotram which is dedicated to the worship of lord shiva, those devotees’ blessed with very stable prosperity including all the richness of chariots, elephants and horses.

॥ इति रावणकृतं शिव ताण्डव स्तोत्रं संपूर्णम्‌ ॥

Thus ends the hymn of Shiv Tandav Stotram written by Ravana.

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