
Chamundeshwari Temple in Mysore – A Must Visit

Chamundeshwari temple in Mysore is one of the most important temples for all Hindus as it is dedicated to Goddess Durga. This traditional temple is situated at a height of 100 feet on the Chamundi Hills and about 13km away from the palace of Mysore, Karnataka. It is also important for all Hindu devotees because it is considered as a Shakti Peeth. Chamundeshwari temple in Mysore comes under the list of 18 Maha Shakti Peeth. There are 51 Shakti Peeth in India and its neighboring countries. The formation of Shakti Peeth is one of the most important mythological events.

Temple Story

When Sati killed herself by jumping into the Yagya Kunda during the Yagya which was organized by her father Dakshya. This incident made Lord Shiva very furious because he couldn’t do anything for his beloved wife. After which he carried Sati in his arms and wandered in sorrow which created an imbalance in this universe. So to get him out of the sorrow and protect this world, Lord Vishnu cut the body of Sati with his Sudarshan chakra. These 51 body parts of Sati fall in different places in India and its neighboring country which later became Shakti Peeth. Near every Shakti Peeth, there is a temple of Kal Bhairav as to protect the body parts of Sati. Herein, Chamundeshwari temple in Mysore we worship the hair of Devi Sati.

Credit: The Hindu

The Chamundeshwari temple at Mysore was built in the 12th Century by Hoysala rulers and its tower was built by Vijayanagara rulers. There are many statues around this temple, one of them is a statue of Mahishasur, the demon. As other Shakti Peeth, there is also a Kaal Bhairav temple beside Chamundeshwari temple. Inside the temple, you can also see a huge statue of Nandi which is made of granite. Both the temples showcase the art pieces that are engraved on its walls. It is also believed that the temple is dedicated to the Goddess Chamunda, who killed the demons, Chand and Mund. This temple is a symbol of victory of good over evil. And therefore, people come with a variety of sweets, fruits, and flowers to offer the goddess and gain her blessings.

Temple Timings

The temple is open for its devotees for all seasons. They can either reach there by driving through the valley road or can choose to go through steps. The timing for worshiping the goddess is from 7.30 am to 2 pm, from 3.30 pm to 6 pm in the afternoon and 7.30 pm to 9 pm in the evening. The Chamundeshwari temple at Mysore is a plastic-free zone to protect the environment from hazardous waste. You are also not advised to click pictures because here, photography is not allowed.

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